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Night Guards

What is a Night Guard?

A night guard should help protect your teeth from the effects of teeth grinding (bruxism) and Jaw Muscle Dysfunction (TMD). If you are experiencing a sore jaw, headaches or tooth sensitivity after sleep, ask your dentist if a night guard is right for you.

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This Service is Available at All Toothworks Locations

How Night Guards Work

Custom night guards can help prevent future dental problems, and protect your teeth and jaw from any damage while you sleep. 

If you grind your teeth, your night guard will act as a barrier to help protect your teeth from damaging each other.

If you suffer from jaw joint pain, your night guard will help you reduce clenching, and may give you some pain relief.

Custom-Made Mouth Guards

Our dentists can create a custom night guard that fits your teeth. Using a digital scan of your mouth, your dentist can ensure a comfortable, secure fit.

With proper care and storage, your custom mouth guard can protect you for many years to come.

Night Guards, Toothworks Dental Clinic

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Since 2001, Toothworks Dental Clinics have been providing patients of all ages with personalized dental care and a welcoming experience at locations across Ontario.

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