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Dental Porcelain Veneers: The Basics

Considering dental veneers? Here, our Toothworks dentists explain what they are, the difference between porcelain veneers and bonding, and who might be a candidate for the process.

What are porcelain veneers?

Dental veneers are a thin layer of tooth-coloured material that your dentist will bond to the front of your teeth.

Veneers can help to change the colour, shape, or position of your teeth, creating a more aesthetically-pleasing smile.

What material is used for veneers?

Dental veneers are crafted from porcelain and bonded to your teeth with composite resin cement. This creates a permanent surface that looks and feels natural.

What is the process for getting veneers done?

Typically, it will require about three visits to your dentist for this procedure. The first is a consultation with your dentist. You can discuss the types of issues you'd like to address and your dentist will explain what to expect. The second and third appointments are reserved for having the veneers custom-made for your teeth and applying them.

Veneers, Toothworks Dental Clinics

What's the difference between veneers and bonding?

Dental veneers and bonding can both achieve aesthetic improvement of chips, cracks, gaps, and discolouration, however the process is quite different. Veneers are custom-made for your teeth in a lab and then applied at your dentist's office. Bonding is the process of applying a resin to your tooth, which is then molded into place and cured with a special light that hardens it and secures it to your tooth. A veneer covers an entire tooth whereas bonding may only cover portions of a tooth.

Can I get veneers on all of my teeth?

You can choose to do only one tooth, or many at a time. Injuries that have damaged the shape or colour of a tooth might require only one veneer. Some people want to change the way all their teeth look and might choose to have more done.

Am I a candidate for porcelain veneers?

Dental veneers can address several aesthetic concerns to restore the beauty of your teeth, and most people will likely be a candidate for the procedure. There are a few potential issues, however, that may mean you are not well-suited for veneers.

Having good dental health is one of the prerequisites as you need a healthy foundation for the veneers. Cavities, decay and gum disease can weaken the structure and impede the success of a veneer. This does not necessarily mean you cannot have veneers, it just means that some restorative work may need to be done prior.

If you don't have enough enamel for the veneer to adhere to, that could also present an issue.

Also, those with excessive teeth grinding or very crooked teeth may not be candidates, as these issues can cause more pressure and strain than the porcelain is capable of handling. Even though veneers are very strong, they could crack with too much strain.

If you're interested in dental veneers, please speak with your dentist to see if dental veneers are right for you.

To learn more about dental veneers, or to schedule an appointment, contact a Toothworks Dental Clinic near you.

Shaping the Smiles of Tomorrow

Since 2001, Toothworks Dental Clinics have been providing patients of all ages with personalized dental care and a welcoming experience at locations across Ontario.

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